The Langport & Huish Episcopi Memorial Field.
The writer has gathered as much information on this important asset as is readily found; clearly a larger/more accurate story is yet to be told. To aid this, if you have further and better information available, please do not hesitate to contact the Webmaster.
The Langport and Huish Episcopi Memorial Field is a piece of land owned in trust jointly by Langport Town Council (LTC) and Huish Episcopi Parish Council (HEPC). The original land for a memorial playing field was donated by local subscription in 1920. This in response to, and recognition of, the terrible loss of life during the First World War. That original land, now the Primary School playing field, was exchanged in 1961 for neighbouring land, enabling the current Memorial Field to be created and serve as a permanent reminder of the losses, particularly those sustained by local families.
It is governed under a Scheme called the “Langport and Huish Episcopi Memorial Field and Village Hall” by a Management Committee. The Scheme currently in force is dated 17th September 1965 (registered 29th July 1968) and is the Charity’s governing document. Langport Town Council and Huish Episcopi Parish Council are joint Custodian Trustees of the Memorial Field, but they have no direct control over the running of the facilities. The Field and its facilities are operated by the Huish Episcopi and Langport Memorial Field Management Committee, set up under the same Scheme.
The Memorial Field is highly valued by the community and thus the subject of funding efforts, as and when required, while its care in general is supported financially by the two local Councils and income from use of the facilities. The dominating feature of the Memorial Field is the football pitch. Much effort in the past has been spent in creating a fine level playing surface that continues to be well maintained. In addition to the football pitch, there is a well-equipped children’s play area, a Multi-Use Games Area including a tennis court, the latter being initiated through a project led by the late Mr Paddy Mounter and an associated car park. It is also home to The Levels Scout Group situated at one end of the grounds and an active Sports and Social Club the other end. Currently architectural plans are being drawn up for the refurbishment of the changing rooms.
A tab for the Memorial Field has only recently been added on this website, however articles regarding the field have been posted in the past and these may be accessed via the Search tab for this website.
A - Football pitch , multi use games area, pavilion & changing rooms.
B - Children's play area
C - Opening day following refurbishment of all play equipment
D - Children's play area
E - Supporters of the refurbished children's play area
F - Picnic benches, the latest addition to the children's play area
G - Aerial View by Google - The football pitch, multi use games area, pavilion (hosting the sports & social club), car park & scout hut.
H - Condemned tree being removed from the children's play area